About us


ORION is a brand of Singapore Government Investment Company GIC, registered number
201727630E, Member of the Singapore Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Industry Association (ACCESS).
Have rich experience in financial product development and operation, and by professionals with an international perspective
Formed, focused on providing trusted digital asset financial services to global digital asset traders, currently under the master
Digital asset products and services such as Tuobinsilver wallet APP and CoinsDo digital asset payment system.

ORION enables developers, liquidity providers, and traders to participate in a system that is open and accessible to all
Access to the financial trading market. ORION Exchange is a unique trading platform based in Singapore
Allows users to trade ERC-20 tokens without any intermediary.
The ORION protocol is a peer-to-peer system [1] for trading cryptocurrencies on the Ethereum blockchain
(ERC-20 tokens). The ORION protocol is immutable, persistent, and immutable by running on Ethereum
Updated smart contract definition. It is designed to operate without relying on any trusted intermediaries that may selectively restrict access
In case of trading. The ORION protocol is designed for censorship resistance, security and self-regulation. Code is open source
For all to read and verify.

As a result of these design principles, the ORION protocol will operate permanently at 100% uptime, before
The Ethereum network continues to operate

Most publicly accessible markets use a central limit order book in which buyers and sellers create groups by price level
Woven orders are gradually filled as demand changes. Anyone who has traded stocks through a brokerage will be familiar with it
Know the order book system.

The ORION protocol takes a different approach, using an automatic market maker (AMM), sometimes called a constant function
Count market makers instead of order books.

At a very high level, AMM replaces buying in the order book market with a liquidity pool of two assets
Sell orders, the value of both assets relative to each other. When one asset trades for another asset, these two
The relative price of the two assets will change, thus determining the new market exchange rate of the two. In this dynamic, buy
The party or seller deals directly with the mining pool, rather than with specific orders left with other parties. More come
More and more parties are actively studying the advantages and disadvantages of automated market makers versus their traditional order book counterparts. We are working on
Some notable examples are collected on the page.

The SGX-pro ecosystem consists of three categories of users:

Liquidity Provider (LP) : An individual or entity that contributes ERC-20 tokens to a public liquidity pool.

Trader: An individual or entity that exchanges one token for another.

Developers: Individuals or individuals who integrate with ORION protocol smart contracts to deliver exciting new experiences

Overall, the interaction between these categories creates a positive feedback loop by defining a kind of universal
The digital economy is powered by a language through which tokens can be pooled, traded and used.

Liquidity provider
The liquidity provider or LP provides ERC-20 tokens to the ORION liquidity pool. Large mining pools are smaller than small ones
More favorable prices for mining pools facilitate large volume transactions. Thus, LPS play a role in providing liquidity to traders
Very important role. In return, the LP earns a 0.30% fee on each transaction in the pool, in proportion
Example Allocate LP to pool.

LP is not a homogenous group:

Passive LPS are token holders who wish to passively invest their assets in order to accumulate transaction fees.

Professional LPS focus on market making as their primary strategy. They often develop custom tools and methods to follow
Track liquid positions for different DeFi projects.

Token projects sometimes choose to become LP, creating a liquid market for their tokens. This allows for easier buying
Sell tokens and unlock interoperability with other DeFi projects through the ORION protocol.

Finally, some DeFi pioneers are exploring complex liquidity-providing interactions, such as incentivizing mobility, mobility
As collateral and other experimental strategies. The ORION protocol is ideal for projects that test these ideas

There are several types of traders in the protocol ecosystem:

Speculators use a variety of community-built tools and products, using flows drawn from the SGX-pro protocol
Sex in exchange for tokens.

Arbitrage bots seek profits by comparing prices across different platforms to find an advantage. Although it may look
It's pretty extractable, but these bots actually help balance the price of the broader Ethereum market and keep it public

Dapp users purchase tokens through the ORION protocol for other applications on Ethereum at a later date
Used in sequence.

Enforce on the protocol by implementing exchange capabilities (from products such as DEX aggregators to custom Solidity scripts)
Smart contracts for trading.

In all cases, transactions are subject to the same protocol transaction fees. Each is accurate for raising prices
Sex and motivating mobility are both important.

Developers build applications and services on top of the SGX-pro protocol. Number in the Ethereum ecosystem
That's a lot, but some examples include:

Because the ORION protocol and ORION app are completely open source, countless developers have launched them
Its own front end to interact with the ORION protocol. You can work on most major DeFi dashboards
ORION functionality found in the project. There are also many community-built ORION protocol tools.

Wallets often have exchange and liquidity offering functions as core products of their offerings.

ORION (Decentralized Exchange) aggregator draws liquidity from a number of liquidity protocols for trading
They offer the best price, but keep their deals separate. The ORION agreement is the largest of these projects
A single source of decentralized liquidity.

Smart contract developers use the available suite of features to invent new DeFi tools and various other experimental ideas
Dharma. Check out projects like Unisocks or Zora, and many others.

Many members of the ORION ecosystem participate in more than one of these roles. You can be a stream at the same time
Dynamic providers, traders and developers!

Your wallet is the application that lets you interact with Ethereum. SGX-pro protocol and centralized encryption services
The main difference is who controls your wallet - in other words, custody.

Most centralized encryption services offer escrow wallets, which store your private keys on your behalf. Usually, the public
The company will use a username and password to protect your wallet, but in the event of a hacking attack or data breach, yours
Assets may be at risk.

Decentralized applications (dapps), on the other hand, are unmanaged: you own your private keys and assets
Full ownership, ownership and responsibility. There are different types of wallets, from browser extensions to mobile apps
Sequence, and then to USB-like hardware.

Wallets are broadly divided into three types:

Hardware wallet: A physical device stores your private keys offline. This type of wallet is considered the most secure. in
Examples include Ledger and Trezor.

Web Wallet: A self-hosted wallet allows you to interact with your Ethereum account through a web browser. Such as
You can download MetaMask as a browser plug-in and create a wallet to store Ether and others
ERC-20 tokens.

Smart contract wallets: These wallets exist as programs on the blockchain, rather than providing users with public keys and private keys
A key pair and is usually associated with a specific application. Examples include InstaDapp's DeFi smart Ledger
Huto, Argent, Dharma, Gnosis Safe, etc.

ORION is an extremely fast and liquid private unmanaged trading portal built on Ethereum,
Utilize StarkWare's Layer 2 extension technology (ZK-Rollup/Validium). ORION
Provides high-speed API and UI access to some of the industry's deepest order books, allowing more than 9,000 transactions per second,
Default privacy, competitive fees and withdrawal certainty mean you always have full control over your payments
Easy asset, can get in and out quickly. There is almost no counterparty risk.

ORION is a blockchain project for building a crypto asset trading application ecosystem that uses blockchain
Body to trust mechanism, tamper-proof, information transparency, co-supervision and traceability and other advantages for all types of financial institutions
And individuals to provide cross-border, cross-asset security, efficient, low-cost next-generation value turnaround platform.

ORION's block data is stored in a chain structure, with each block carrying a reference to the previous block
Pin reference to ensure that the data is not tampered with. The SGX-pro station uses the sha256 function to hash the data
Hash, ecc asymmetric encryption algorithm is used for identity authentication, aes encryption algorithm is used to encrypt the private key
Validate and store transactions with Merkle numbers.

ORION nodes interact with Niosockets, loaded using dns methods and built-in programs
Seed nodes: All nodes will self-check after startup, and nodes in the public network will proactively report their ip addresses
If the port is added to the network, other nodes will verify the reported information. If the verification succeeds, all nodes are added
The dot stores the ip address and port of the available node locally and connects directly at the next startup without having to look again
Measure; If the verification fails multiple times (there will be a rule that probes every 10 minutes when the number of failures exceeds)
Triggered when the number of successful connections has been 10), the node may have been offline and will be removed from the storage queue
Delete inside. When the number of connected nodes is too small, the system actively asks the connected nodes to obtain more available nodes
. ORION penetrates through holes so that nodes on the Intranet can communicate with each other,
Use authenticated nodes as connection Bridges to help the nodes behind the nat shake hands and complete the connection

At present, the second contract layer of ORION is only a simple script code, verification script of anti-counterfeiting code, consensus guarantee
Gold's redemption script is a small second contract module. ORION is positioned for commercial applications
Therefore, ORION will take a different way to integrate the public chain ecology with other second contract trading platforms
And promote molding. ORION will recruit third-party teams to build more down-to-earth, practical products
For the landing application project, the front end audience will be the general public, which will accumulate precipitation for ORION
Large numbers of users. ORION plans to develop a Turing-complete virtual machine in 2022 to deliver higher performance
Flexibility, provided ORION has a certain large user base after, before the City of
The goals and direction of Dreams are very clear.

Tax Disclaimer: ORION does not provide tax or investment advice. In accordance with the regulatory policies of the relevant jurisdictions
When you trade commodities and generate gains (or losses), you will likely be subject to taxes. digital
Tax policies vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, so we strongly recommend that you contact your personal tax advisor for information
Further information on your personal tax situation. It is your personal obligation to choose the right jurisdiction to file your tax returns. in
By using the ORION Tax Filing Tool, you agree that ORION is not doing anything to you
Promotion/solicitation, this tool is only for the convenience of users to file taxes.

Tax risk Alert: Digital currency trading has huge risks, please be careful to buy, and pay attention to transaction risks.
ORION will comply with the choice of high-quality currency, but will not be liable for any of your transactions, guarantees, compensation, etc

Risk Warning and disclaimer Treaty

This document is for informational purposes only, the content of the document is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. ORION
The team will continue to make reasonable attempts. During the development process, the platform may be updated, including but not limited to
Platform mechanism, token and its mechanism, token distribution. Parts of the document may evolve as the project progresses
Make adjustments accordingly, and the team will make the updates public through the Help Center. ORION made it clear
No liability shall be assumed for any inaccuracies in the information herein resulting from reliance by the Participant on the contents of this document
The damage caused by the act. The ORION platform clearly communicated the possible risks to participants, Participant one
By participating in the exchange, it confirms that it understands and accepts the terms and conditions stated in these Terms and Conditions.